But I said, “Oh, I, I pack this bowl for two…”

Are you starting your morning with your significant other, in an Airbnb in the mountains with a few friends, or just an all-day coffee drinker?

Drip coffee provides us with the classic coffee taste and aroma that fills our home and warms our soul.

Here are some quick tips to get the most out of your coffee pot:

Quick note: a “cup” on a coffee pot is actually 5-6 oz. instead of the standard 8 oz. in a measuring cup. So, a 12-cup coffee pot holds ~66 oz.

Good rule of thumb:

Brewing Steps:

  1. Fill your pot with water up to the 10-cup line, and pour into the water tank of the machine.

  2. Place a damp coffee filter in the coffee basket.

  3. Add one tablespoon (~14g) of medium ground coffee for every cup of water added. So for this scenario, add 10 tablespoons (140g) to the coffee basket. Evenly spread as best as possible.

  4. Flip on the brew switch and let the magic begin (expect a 10 min brew time).

  5. Enjoy with your friend and a hearty breakfast!


Bitter and Thick Coffee: Use a coarser grind size for your coffee - or - Try using less coffee/more water

Weak and Thin Coffee: Use a finer grind size for your coffee - or - Try using more coffee/less water

Sour Coffee: Try a higher water to coffee ratio. Try using finer coffee grounds.